In this issue: Emmanuel International Canada GalaRead about the great fundraiser for the Safe House project in South Africa. Don Sayers was the keynote speaker. A…
EI Canada Gala (November 2023 Down to Earth)

In this issue: Emmanuel International Canada GalaRead about the great fundraiser for the Safe House project in South Africa. Don Sayers was the keynote speaker. A…
Richard McGowan Please pray for us. We really value your prayers! Download our prayer calendar for this month from the link below. Emmanuel International Prayer Calendar…
Focus on: EI Canada Board (part 2) The rest of the EIC board members were introduced in October 2020. Please pray for us. We really value…
Focus on: EI Canada Board (part 1) The rest of the EIC board members will be introduced in November 2020. Please pray for us. We really…
BushNet Issue 1 of 2015 In this issue: Updates from around the Emmanuel International world United Kingdom: A report on the 2015 Conference Summer Social Event…