In this issue: St Peter’s Church, Farnborough summer team trip to IbumuRead all about the trip to Ibumu, including how the women of the village were…
St Peter’s Church, Farnborough summer team trip to Ibumu (September 2019 Down to Earth)

In this issue: St Peter’s Church, Farnborough summer team trip to IbumuRead all about the trip to Ibumu, including how the women of the village were…
In this issue (418 kB): The St Peter’s Church, Farnborough team went to Ikuka in Tanzania this summer. Read the report of their trip! Dates for…
BushNet Issue 2 of 2015 Read all about the short term mission trip to Tanzania! EIUK News EIUK AGM and meeting: Saturday 6 February 2016
BushNet Issue 2 of 2012 Brazil Mission TripĀ 2012 Terena 100 year celebrations EIUK Annual Conference 2013 EIUK Annual Membership 2012/13