In this issue: (390 KB) Read all about the South Coast Challenge: the participants, the walk and the projects that are supported through this: –…
Sue and Ineke did it!
Sue and Ineke did the South Coast Challenge on Saturday 26 August and Sunday 27 August 2017. They walked 100 kilometers in just over 24 hours….
EI Uganda’s work in Pader (BushNet Issue 1 of 2017)
In this issue of BushNet (753Kb): Emmanuel International working in Pader, Northern Uganda Read an update on the variety of projects that the EI team in…
Sue and Ineke are raising funds for EI projects
Sue Fallon and Ineke Varcoe are taking on this challenge, starting at Eastbourne on Saturday morning, 26 August, where they will walk 100km along the coastal…