I say to God, “Be my Lord!” Without you, nothing makes sense. And these God-chosen lives all around – what splendid friends they make! (Ps 16:2-3)
We are collecting stories of how God worked with people during the 30 years that EIUK has been in existence and have listed them on our 30 year birthday page.
A list of past and current workers as in 2014 during our 30th anniversary:
Kate Ashton (Malawi)
Clare White Ashton (Uganda)
Mark and Lorna Ashworth (Jamaica, Uganda and Malawi)
David and Debbie Bainbridge (Jamaica, Sudan and International Office)
David and Jenny Bendell (EIUK Chairman until 2013)
Sarah Power Berthelemy (Jamaica)
Alison Mansell Blackwell (Uganda)
Julia Blundell (Uganda)
Dominique Bowes
Martin Brown (Philippines and Uganda)
Jon Burgess (Jamaica)
Martin and Thalia Carr (Uganda and currently on EIUK Board)
John and Thelma Carroll (EIUK founder, Chairman of EIUK Board until 1993 and currently on Council of Reference)
Joy and Jim Carroll-Wallis (Haiti and currently on Council of Reference)
Heather Bevan Carter (Uganda)
Lynda Chomicz and Dan Catanus (Malawi)
Sharon Maidment Challand (Uganda)
Tracey Chantler-Edmond (Haiti)
Helen de Whalley Collard (Philippines)
Rosie Comrie (Malawi)
Alison Black Connolly (Tanzania)
Jon Cox (Sudan)
David Craig (Malawi)
George and Stella Davis (Uganda)
Sonia Ceccarelli Dent (Malawi)
Dick and Veronica Dewing (Uganda)
Matt Dixon (Tanzania)
Celia Donald (Uganda, Jamaica)
Mairi Dorward (Tanzania and currently on EIUK Board)
Joan Drury (EIUK)
John Durant (Chairman of EIUK Board until 1996)
Daphne and Simon Easley (Haiti and Malawi)
Tom Edom (currently Uganda)
Sue Fallon (Jamaica, International office and currently EIUK office)
Linda Fitzmaurice (currently EIUK office)
Steve and Sarah Flashman (EIUK office)
Stephen Flinn (Haiti and Jamaica)
David Foote (Jamaica, Uganda and Sudan)
Janet Lipscome Frésard (Uganda)
Jean Gascoigne
Duncan and Wendy Gray (Haiti and Uganda)
Hew and Jeanette Gregory-Smith (Haiti and Uganda)
Len Griffiths (Jamaica)
Anna Grindle (Uganda)
Sarah Guyton Hill (Uganda)
Lucy Harding (currently EIUK Board)
Sue Howes (Jamaica and Sudan)
Astrid Issberner (Jamaica)
Derek and Ann James (EIUK office)
Maura Jeffrey (Uganda)
Sarah Mackay Jepps (Uganda)
Joanna Stroud Johnson (Haiti)
Andrew Khoo (Uganda)
Trevor Knight (Haiti)
Margaret Heslam Knight (Sudan and Malawi)
Neil and Helen Lambert (Uganda)
Bernard Lane (Brazil)
Giselle Hollyhock Lategan (Jamaica and EIUK)
Ruth and Dave Lee (Malawi)
Richard and Ellie Lister (Malawi)
Anita Sandiford Long (Malawi)
Wendy and Glen Lund (Malawi and Uganda)
Masty Melesse (Uganda)
Andy and Liz Mellen (Malawi)
Patric Moir (Haiti and Malawi)
Tim and Rachel Monger (currently Tanzania)
Melanie Silverstone Morgan (Malawi)
Gaynor Worthington Morris (Tanzania)
John and Belinda Naudé (currently Malawi)
Sarah Dilloway Newnham (Uganda, Malawi and currently on EIUK Board)
Lynn Turner Ngomuo (Tanzania)
Morgan and Bukay Palmer (Philippines, Uganda, Tanzania and Malawi)
Alan and Cheryl Parrett (Uganda)
Diana Pearce (Haiti)
John and Christine Raby (currently Malawi)
Sheena Collinson Reid (Jamaica)
Julian Rickard (Uganda)
Barbara Rivera (Uganda)
Helen Sayer (Tanzania)
Peter and Ruth Sayer (Malawi)
Andy and Angela Sharpe (currently Tanzania)
Anne Lapage Simmons (Tanzania)
Mark Simmons ( currently FAR Sudan)
Michala and Peter Stephens (Malawi)
Andrew Strawson (EIUK treasurer)
Nathan Targett (Uganda)
Sarah Bendell Taylor (Jamaica)
Karen Thomas Dutoy (Brazil)
Letty Thomas (FAR Sudan)
Cressida Thompson (FAR Sudan)
Chris Thompson (Sudan)
Clive Tydeman (currently EIUK Board)
David Varcoe (Uganda and currently Chairman of EIUK Board)
Ken and Eileen Vause (Malawi)
Liz Doggett Waldock (Haiti)
Peter and Sandra Warren (Somalia and Dominica)
Lorraine Webster (Sudan)
Matt and Lucy Wenham (Malawi)
Helen and Tony Whitton
Andrew and Keeley Wickham (Uganda)
Andy and Katina Williams (Uganda)
Lynda Wilson (EIUK office)
Andrew and Miriam Wingfield (currently Tanzania)
Francesca Wilson Wright (Sudan)