In this issue of BushNet (380kB): Read a report about the EIUK Annual Conference and AGM 2019 where we celebrated 35 years of mission! What…
All the news about the EIUK Annual Conference and AGM 2019! (BushNet issue 1 of 2019)

In this issue of BushNet (380kB): Read a report about the EIUK Annual Conference and AGM 2019 where we celebrated 35 years of mission! What…
As we celebrate the 30th anniversary for EIUK, we have created a calendar in the place of our normal BushNet issue. It highlights some of the…
EIUK is 30 years old! From Roots to Shoots to abundant Fruit by John Carroll Table of Glory by Joan Drury A lot can happen in…
This year, on 28 February 2014, Emmanuel International UK is celebrating 30 years in existence! If you would like to join us in celebrating this milestone,…
I say to God, “Be my Lord!” Without you, nothing makes sense. And these God-chosen lives all around – what splendid friends they make! (Ps 16:2-3)…