Date: 6 July 2013

Time: 11:00 am till 16:00 pm (ish). It is a “drop-in and stay for as long as you can or want” session! (Please note the change in time – we are now starting at 11 instead of 10 am.)

Tennis arrangements… For those who are worried they might miss the Wimbledon Ladies Final, there will be a television set where you can watch the game! 🙂

Food arrangements: Bring your own picnic. At around midday we tend to say grace and gather together in groups to eat.

Venue: David and Jenny are again opening their house and garden for us. Please contact us for the address.

It would be helpful to give us an idea of who to expect if you could let Sue or Linda know if you are coming, but it is not compulsory.  Do drop in on the day if you find you have the time available.

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EIUK Annual Garden Party 2013

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