With the pandemic and a generally difficult economic environment, EIUK has seen a drop in donations. Our aim is to continue as we always have, to support the poorest in the countries in which we work and to do so, we need increased
funding for the UK office and our general administration. Please consider giving, enabling us to continue in the vital work EI UK does around the world. If you wish to support, you can
- make a regular payment or a one off-gift into our bank account (CAF Bank, sort code 40-52-40) account 00033722)
- set up a standing order (contact us for the form or more informationĀ or download the form online from our website)
- send us a cheque – yes, we still accept those
- and if you are a tax payer, you can Gift Aid your gift to increase its value (forms
available from the office or our website)
Thank you so much!
Clive Tydeman, Chairman of the EIUK Board of Trustees
(As published in the October 2022 Down to Earth)
Please support Emmanuel International UK!
Tagged on: Fundraising