EIUK has been fortunate to have Sue lead our office and teams over many years, which often requires quite a bit of driving to churches and airports supporting EI missionaries, teams and speaking about the work of EI to churches around the UK.
We have set up a special fund and we are asking our EI family and friends to contribute to a replacement vehicle for Sue so that she can continue to support this work as her current vehicle will very soon no longer be a viable option.
We are thankful for Sue’s many years of support and service to EI, and as such we want to support her by making this appeal.
Donations would be greatly appreciated.
Online Bank Transfer to our CAF account
The most cost effective way is to make an online transfer to our CAF bank account.
Account holder: Emmanuel International Ltd
Bank: CAF Bank Ltd, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME 19 4JQ
Sort code: 40-52-40
Account no: 00033722
Payment line: Sue car
Or contact us for other ways to contribute.
We thank God for your continued support of the work of Emmanuel International.