Why become a member of Emmanuel International UK?
We, Emmanuel International, are an organisation that values the people who support our work prayerfully and financially. Without the involvement of people who care about the work we do and the way we do it, it would not be possible to continue to fulfil our mission:
Partnering with churches in serving their communities
Become involved in our work, projects such as…

Helping girls to stay in school for longer, reducing the risk of HIV and pregnancy and improving their income in the future.

Transforming the livelihoods of the village communities through improved health conditions.
We like to keep our supporters up to date with what is happening in our projects. For some our quarterly magazine, BushNet, serves this purpose. Others like to get more closely involved and would like to get more regular updates and information, and also wish to pray for our work. They may choose to become members of EIUK.
The members benefits
- Members receive a monthly magazine, the Down to Earth, which provides further information on who is working with EI, exciting news in our projects and regular notices.
- They also receive a monthly prayer calendar in which we list prayer requests for our project countries and affiliates. You can pray for our missionaries, for the projects and for the countries that we work in.
- Our Annual General Meeting, which takes places during the weekend of our conference, is open to anyone who is interested in our work. At the AGM we discuss issues regarding governance of EIUK, including selecting of board members, financial reports, a report on activities in the year. Decisions made here influences the direction that EIUK takes and we are held accountable to our constituency. Only members are allowed to vote at the AGM and influence decisions.
The cost of membership
It only costs £30 per person or £39 per couple. The membership fee has not been increased for a number of years to make it affordable for all. The membership fee is used to offset the cost of printing and distributing the regular publications and also towards some of the administrative costs in the office.
Become a member or renew your membership now!
We really value your support and encouragement. Please renew your Membership of EIUK for another year or become a member for the first time!
Please download the Membership 2024-2025 Form, complete and return to the office.
Gift Aid
Remember that your membership subscription fee may be Gift Aided. If you wish to complete a Gift Aid Form, please download, complete and send to the office with your completed Membership Form.
You can also pay your membership securely online
Make an online transfer into our CAF Bank account (Sort code: 40-52-40 and Account no: 00033722). Please put “Membership” in the payment line.
You will still need to complete and return the membership form. Printed or digital format via email are acceptable.
Click on the Enthuse button below.
Please note that Enthuse charges an administration fee on this payment.