Sarah Flashman (married to Steve, who was the General Director of EIUK from 2003 to 2005 while Sarah was Health Advisor) was ordained as a priest…
Official opening of Ikengeza WaSH Project
Construction of Ikengeza Primary School WaSH (Water Sanitation and Hygeine) project was completed in February this year, in plenty of time for the rainwater harvesting tanks…
EIUK Annual Garden Party 2014
Date: 12 July 2014 Time: 11:00 am till 16:00 pm (ish). It is a “drop-in and stay for as long as you can or want” session! Food…
BushNet Issue 1 of 2014
EIUK is 30 years old! From Roots to Shoots to abundant Fruit by John Carroll Table of Glory by Joan Drury A lot can happen in…
EIUK is 30 years old!
This year, on 28 February 2014, Emmanuel International UK is celebrating 30 years in existence! If you would like to join us in celebrating this milestone,…
EIUK Alumni and Current Workers
I say to God, “Be my Lord!” Without you, nothing makes sense. And these God-chosen lives all around – what splendid friends they make! (Ps 16:2-3)…
Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, Philippines
“The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I…
Earthquake in Bohol, Philippines
On 15 October 2013 an earthquake hit Bohol in the Philippines. It measured 7.2 on the Richter scale. Edna Santos, Project Coordinator with EI in the…
September 2013 Down to Earth
EBCM or Evangelical Baptist Church Malawi, our partner church, celebrated 40 years of its existence this year! Read all about their celebrations and EI’s partnership with…
BushNet Issue 2 of 2013
BushNet Issue 2 of 2013 Read about the work of our EI team in Pader, Northern Uganda. These exciting projects are making a big difference! The…
Further update on the Kasese Flood Relief
Gareth Shrubsole and Pastor Alfonse Bwambale (BMS World Mission/Kasese Baptist Association in Kasese, Uganda) wrote to tell us about the relief that has been provided to…
Jane Wilkinson is fundraising for Emmanuel International
Jane writes… My journey over the Pyrenees following the route of the Camino de Santiago surpassed all my expectations. Thank you to everyone who sponsored me….
A Great Get-together!
The EIUK Annual Garden Party was, just like always, a wonderful get together of everyone who has an interest in Emmanuel International. The weather could not…
Sue Fallon is skydiving for Northern Uganda
Tandem Skydive On Sunday 11 August 2013, Sue did a Tandem Skydive. Fundraising Target: £2000.00 Why skydiving? A sky dive came to mind really because of…
Update on the Kasese Flood situation
On 1 May 2013 Kasese was flooded when the Nyamwamba river broke its banks. This is the latest report by Alfonse (Thursday 16 May): “We have…
Flooding in Kasese, Uganda
On Wednesday 1 May 2013 the Nyamwamba river in Kasese Town burst its banks and flooded the town. Kasese is in the South West of Uganda. Emmanuel…
EIUK Annual Garden Party 2013
Date: 6 July 2013 Time: 11:00 am till 16:00 pm (ish). It is a “drop-in and stay for as long as you can or want” session!…
FAR is fundraising for Moringa Trees
Why the Moringa tree? The Moringa is an amazing tree. Its leaves have 7 times the Vitamin C of oranges, 4 times the Vitamin A of…
Thank you to David and Jenny Bendell
At the AGM on 16 February 2013, David Bendell stepped down as Chairman of the EIUK Board of Trustees after 16 years of faithful service. Thank…
Philippines Flood Relief
In December 2012 severe floods devastated parts of the Philippines, also where EI works. The team in the Philippines have put together a presentation about the…